Wednesday, January 20, 2010


ever feel like you are drowning in paper...mail that comes in, reciepts, children's artwork, work etc. For me I get to add ALL the paperwork that comes along with being a leader of two Guiding units, CAS paperwork, etc...

Once upon a time I used to be SO on top of all this paper. I had all the records logged onto the computer. I used to have all my receipts stapled onto my bank statements & credit card statements....

That seems like a lifetime ago.


I have piles

and when I need the space where the piles are for something else, the piles get shoved in a box and put into my room....

And a few times a year I just go through all the piles with a paper shredder and go to town...I think I am due for one of those moments :) I think I have 3 boxes now...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

why things get lost and misplaced around here...

he loves to randomly pick up things and hide them somewhere :)

one month...

in one month I am back to work... my less than 9 months of mat leave will be all done

I look to this with mixed feelings.
I have enjoyed these past few months of being a mom
some days more than others :) (yesterday not so much)

fortunately I have been blessed...with my job I work 40 hours in three days...
I know it sounds like a lot but then I get to spend the other 4 days with my son
and actually it is more like 5 since on Fridays I don't go to work until he is already in bed for the night

and so I will be gone all of Saturday and I will be getting home just as he is waking from his afternoon nap on Sunday parents have voluntered to watch him. If they are feeling they need help, I will hire someone for part or all of Saturday


I have agreed to respite for the children's aid Mon-Fri with a child under 5 as they need. So that will be ok as there will be someone else for C to play with. We'll see how well I keep on top of things as to if it all works out

right now I am not always good at staying on top of housework...or the paperwork for my two guiding units

but I do snuggle and read stories, colour, build towers with blocks, sing songs, etc.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

hiding the word in his heart...

we are commanded to hide God's word in our hearts...

so this morning when C and I were doing our devotions over breakfast I thought that I would try with him 'Trust in God'

me 'Trust in God'
him 'yeah'
me 'trust'
him 'tus'
me 'in'
him 'in there'
me 'in'
him 'in there'
me 'in God'
him 'yeah'
me 'say in God'
him 'in od'

he finally got the whole thing which makes my heart happy

I'll keep getting him to say it throughout the day and probably the next few days...I'll probably only introduce a new verse weekly...

the adoption worker is coming today...month 5 visit!!!! yippeee!!!!

so I should probably get dressed out of my jammies...

Friday, January 1, 2010

List of Books Read in 2009

  1. Elsie's Girlhood by Martha Finley
  2. Elsie's Holidays at Roselands by Martha Finley
  3. Elsie Dinsmore ~ Martha Finley
  4. Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola
  5. Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury
  6. The Face by Angela Hunt
  7. Faith Like Potatoes by Angus Buchan
  8. Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss
  9. She's in a Better Place by Angela Hunt
  10. blink by Ted Dekker
  11. A Time to Mend by Angela Hunt
  12. The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks
  13. Above All Things by Deborah Raney
  14. Above the Line Take Two by Karen Kinsbury
  15. The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
  16. The Silver Compass by Holly Kennedy
  17. Rachel's Secret by BJ Hoff
  18. Second Draft of My Life
  19. The Duchess and the Dragon by Jamie Carie
  20. Above the Line Take One by Karen Kingsbury
  21. Wizard of Oz
  22. Me & Emma by Elizabeth Flock
  23. Owls in the Family by Farley Mowat
  24. My Sister's Keeper
  25. Doesn't She Look Natural by Angela Hunt
  26. Mary Poppins by PL Travers
  27. This Side of Heaven by Karen Kingsbury
  28. Mary Janeway
  29. Every Now & Then by Karen Kingsbury
  30. Attic Treasures