Tuesday, March 11, 2014

the end and beginning...

My parental leave is over. I started back to work last weekend. I was very sad driving into work last weekend. I didn't get much sleep at work as one of the clients stayed up until almost 3am watching tv (plus day light savings, dst, time was a factor) and I was just wide awake. Not exactly sure why.
Work was good. Short as I just worked the Sunday part of the shift. But overall, I fell back into the job without a hitch.
I returned home to two very over tired boys. They were late in settling to sleep Saturday night as my father let the cat out of the bag that I was headed into work (I had just told them I was going back to work in March and after that I just said 'soon' as I didn't want them to get worried or anxious) and then they missed an hour of sleep due to dst, then they didn't settle at quiet time and rest Sunday afternoon. Needless to say come bedtime Sunday night, my oldest was an over tired emotional wreck. He doesn't handle change well, especially when that change involves us not being together. He was a weepy, anxious, overtired wreck come bedtime and just begged me to stay upstairs with him. I brought him downstairs to get him calm. We watched the pvr'd episode of Heartland, by this time he was done with the weeping and then we snuggled together into my bed. His tears returned but he was more rational. After more reassurance that I would stay with him, he finally fell asleep. The next son was up in the night with nightmares.
Returning to work kinda sucks for the everyone. Well except B....she is my cool cat :) She just needed some snuggles after I got home and she was ok :) She doesn't carry as much baggage as the boys.

Before I headed into work, I had all figured out what was happening with childcare and I had all my ducks in a row (at least until Easter). Last night my ducks began to scatter. Which sent me into a panic (two nights previous of not enough sleep did not help things) and I was an emotional crying mess. I had to remind myself that God has the whole situation under control.

I got the boys quickly through school this morning (we aren't taking a week off right now as we are going to time off at Easter) and we headed off to visit C's chickens (they moved to a farm as we aren't allowed them in town and a neighbour complained...not sure if I blogged about it or not). It was a beautiful Spring day. I know Spring is probably not here to stay, but today was beautiful and we enjoyed it while we could. We spent the rest of the morning at the farm. I talked with my friend there and she gave me a couple of names to try for childcare. I left feeling much better about things. The children had a great time with the animals and mucking in mud.

My cousin's daughter is here for the rest of the week. I always enjoy having her as all the kids get along with her and when she is here it is company for me and an extra set of eyes and helping hands. Right now she is on a bread making boat (inspired by my baking bread earlier in the day)...right now my house smells yummy. She cleaned the kitchen from supper without being asked while I was getting the children ready for bed....so very nice and appreciated!

these photos are of CO when he was three. He loved mud then and he still loves mud today! He announced today that he was very excited for Spring because he was looking forward to playing with mud! (let the laundry marathon of muddy clothes begin!)