Tuesday, July 17, 2012

news...I surrender all...

we've been at the cottage for almost two weeks...well on and off for almost three.

we've been living the laid back summer life with family and friends

on the issue of J, it seems that he is now being moved to overnight visits with his grandparents starting this upcoming weekend. SIGH
I've been trying to not stress myself too much over it all, but it totally messes up with my weekend childcare and with my plans for J's future with my family.
I sing 'I surrender all' a lot these days
it isn't easy

CO is having a great time but with it not cooling down at night on top of the fact that we've been away from home so long and living with so many people, I think he is overstimulated and ready to head home.
I have two more kids being picked up tomorrow and then I can go too.
I am ready. I am ready to return to the world of packing and air conditioning.
I love our cottage life but it works much better when things actually cool down at night and it hasn't done so for the last 5 nights. We spend lots of time at the pool but I think J is either getting swimmers ear or an ear infection as he has been running a fever since Sunday.
So lots of prayer requests.

  1. All to Jesus I surrender;
    All to Him I freely give;
    I will ever love and trust Him,
    In His presence daily live.
    • Refrain:
      I surrender all,
      I surrender all;
      All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
      I surrender all.
  2. All to Jesus I surrender;
    Humbly at His feet I bow,
    Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
    Take me, Jesus, take me now.
  3. All to Jesus I surrender;
    Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
    Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
    Truly know that Thou art mine.
  4. All to Jesus I surrender;
    Lord, I give myself to Thee;
    Fill me with Thy love and power;
    Let Thy blessing fall on me.
  5. All to Jesus I surrender;
    Now I feel the sacred flame.
    Oh, the joy of full salvation!
    Glory, glory, to His Name!