Monday, February 1, 2010

some ramblings

I just took a batch of 'Good Morning Muffins' out of the oven. They should be called 'Good Morning and a bit of this and that out of my cupboards Muffins' which is funny because I don't really think you can mess up muffins that much. Next I am going to make some muffins with some of the frozen bananas I have and maybe some of those prunes and dates that I have soaking. I was thinking of throwing in some almond butter in them too. I have yet to come across a banana bread recipe that I LOVE so I am determined to make I have almost a dozen bananas in my freezer :)

C loves helping to make things in the kitchen. He was a BIG help with the muffins. I think his favorite job is using the food processer to shred the carrots and apples. Second favorite other than eating is dumping the ingredients (dry). He would LOVE the job of cracking eggs but I am just NOT ready to give up that job yet.

I am needing some power snacks for C. We have begun swimming for an hour a few mornings a week and he is STARVING by the time he gets out. So I figured I need to pack snacks that are healthy and hit the spot quickly. I had thought of investing in some granola bars but then I figured that muffins are MUCH easier, cheaper & healthier.

The first time we went swimming I barely made it out the door and into the truck with him as he was SO hungry. I ended up going through a drive-thru and he polished off a hamburger and fries in less than 10 minutes. Not something I can afford or really desire to get into the habit of.

if you want my good morning muffin recipe I'll post it on my recipe site (which I created so I can access some of my favorite recipes when I am away from home...)