Sunday, May 9, 2010

Myrtle Beach

as soon as C saw the beach...he couldn't take his clothes off fast enough! He LOVED being there...running in and out of the water

this is at the little park across from the beach house

we are in Myrtle Beach...we left Thursday morning and drove down. We spent the Thurs night in a hotel and drove the rest of the way arriving Friday afternoon.

Since arriving I have got to experience lots .... including:

1. Target...I have heard lots about the wonders and deals of Target...I got some good deals...I didn't get lots of opportunity to check things out but I was impressed...

2. Piggly Wiggly...I find this to be an odd name for a grocery store. Deals are labeled as 'Pig Allerts' I am not sure if this is good or not :)

there are currently fireworks going off...which is odd to me...maybe for Mother's Day? speaking of little one gave me a rose and a card :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May update

The last few weeks of April were crazy busy! I was doing lots of running around trying to collect all the papwerwork I needed in order to get C a passport. The problem is that his adoption is 'just' finalized so I didn't have access to new paperwork or old paperwork...well to make a long story short...we headed to the passport office and picked up his passport this morning. Earlier I had signed us up to go on a field trip to a local dairy farm put on by the EYC here. I didn't think we'd be able to attend but since we made it to Kitchener and back in good time, we headed over. C had a great time. He really liked being that close to the cows (& the poop...he is such a boy and all about the poop)
I think I still slightly smell of cow farm (or the smell is stuck in my nose) but it was worth it.
Now I need to pack and finish getting ready as we leave first think in the morning for Myrtle Beach...very exciting!