Wednesday, February 29, 2012

tired and an update

When I spend half the night with a boy in my arms while he coughs and cries, makes me very tired the next day. He got to sleep in until 930. I had to be up at 630 with the other one. My eyes are at half mass and the world is a little on the foggy side. CO is happy because he is happy to play reader rabbit while his brother watches in the beanbag chair and mom sits and half dozes and half reads. J is giggling at parts of the game and it is nice to hear him laugh after he has been SO miserable this week. He seems to run a fever easily when he has a cold. My mother is a nurse she invested in some bed pads when my sister K was little in case she wet the bed...well let me tell you that was a great investment my mother made. They have saved K's mattress, CO's mattress, many mattresses at the cottage and now...CO's beanbag chair. J has spent most of the last couple of days just sitting in it. He doesn't want to wear a diaper as he is too hot and he just threw up all over the chair. Easy clean up by throwing the pad into the washer! :) I hate vomit!! I know most people probably do. J vomits lots. He has a sensitive gag reflex and being flemmy, so much more sensitive. I have become immune to cleaning up vomit these last months...J is a professional vomitter :)

I have started taking a Dave Ramsey financial course....I WISH I had learned this stuff as a late teen. I would have been SO much smarter with my money! Better late than never. I have had in my goal for the last couple of years to be debt free (not that I have much debt) but this course will enable me to have the tools to not only be debt free but to be debt free forever. I am very much enjoying it. It makes SO much more sense. I on the most part live pay cheque to pay cheque. I do save some of my cheque weekly and save up for large expenses but I rarely think twice about using my credit card for something I want. I tend to buy things on sale anyway. I am excited to see where this course takes me!

CO's grandparents are arriving tomorrow for a few days! He is SO SO SO much missing them. The last couple of weeks he calls them regularly asking them to pack thier bags :) I don't think he could have lasted until Easter (we are going to visit them) to see them. He is having a hard time this week even lasting until Thursday :) I am looking forward to them coming too!! I have missed them. They are such a blessing to my life. I am going to get to bed early tonight and hope that J sleeps better so that I can stay up later tomorrow night so we can play cards.

Early December I ordered two cupboards from Sears. I was wanting them so I can organize the craft supplies and school resources better. One was available right away when I ordered and the other was backordered. They wouldn't let me select a pick up date until the end of February so I assumed that was because the one item was backordered. I went to pick up the cupboards, only one was there. I called Sears and the other one is still backordered and maybe will be available the middle of March...sigh. I was so looking forward to finally sorting out things and everything fitting. So here is to hoping that it will come in by the middle of March and the delays won't be even longer. The boys love the new cupboard and it was a lot of convincing on my part to tell them it was mine and not for them to play hide and seek in...sigh

The childcare is working MUCH better. CO is much better at following the direction of the new sitters. I think he thought if he was bad in the begining, that I would just stay home from work...not so much buttercup!

CO is into writing things out big time. It is funny all the notes he writes. He mastered writing the dog's name before his own (he struggled with the letter S) and has mine and his grandparent's down pat. At valentines time I was trying to get him to draw a heart so he could write that he loved everyone. I am loving that I get to be the one that fills his head with all this information and watch him understand it and then love to use what he is learning! Often I will catch him 'teaching' his brother or the dog. Next step...reading (a little scary especially since I know that his bio family had members that very much struggled with reading...his BM can't read outloud) and mastering the numbers 6-10 (he has 0-5 down great).

I added fish oil and folic acid suppliments to CO's days. This seems to have really helped with his behaviours and mood swings. I sometimes wondered in the begining if things were really improving or if it was all in my head. But if I look back at the last week, it has gone amazingly well. He is still a strong willed child and a brute on his brother at some moments, but overall...I think we are thriving more days rather than just surviving

Monday, February 6, 2012

muffin monday

Mondays are days that I get to spend putting things away from the weekend and taking stock of what is in my cupboards and think ahead as to what I am going to cook and freeze for meals for the boys for the upcoming weekend. 

Mondays are also muffin mondays :) CO and I spend the early hours of the morning choosing and baking muffins. By the time they are ready to come out of the oven, J will be awake and ready to join us. Last weekend CO and I baked blueberry oatmeal muffins and this morning it was morning glory (or carrot as CO refers to them). Then I can use the leftovers for traveling snacks all week. Tuesdays and Thursdays are days we have something to attend in the morning and I will pack the boys a 'lunch' of snacks that they can eat either in the truck or at the location.

I want to tweak the morning glory muffin recipe to decrease the oil and sugar.

This week I find out if there is still room in the homeschool gymnastics class for CO to join. If so then we will have something to the town south of us from 930-11 on Tuesdays and then have to drive 45 minutes to another town for gymnastics from 12-1. It puts a lot in his day but I think it will be good for him. It will throw J's sleep schedule for a loop but either I'll see if he can nap at a friend's house or he will just have to be later in going down for his nap.

I have invited a friend to join me at my biblestudy group. She is going to try it out this Monday to see if she is interested in attending more often. The book we are studying is 'the Eve Factor'.

It is a beautiful sunny day outside. I noticed at work this weekend that the tulips and daffodils are starting to come up...crazy weather. What happened to winter?