Friday, September 16, 2011

a first...

I just tucked my four year old into bed for the night...

My baby is four!! hard to believe. It was a crazy busy day that had the boys at the babysitter's for most of the day as I had a staff meeting from 9-2...but overall it was a success...he got homemade pizza (he didn't want it to come from a restaurant in a box...he wanted the kind that goes in the oven) and an icecream cake (because baking one just didn't happen with my crazy week) with a bulldozer on it (as they didn't have a forklift). As he was getting his pjs on he said he wants to wear his birthday shirt again tomorrow...

hopefully I'll upload photos soon

Thursday, September 15, 2011


J is recovering today from his urethrop*lasty (I put the * in to prevent people from coming to my blog from googling the surgery). It was a LONG day at the hospital yesterday. Today seems like it is going to be a long one too. He is complaining of pain/discomfort occasionally (he didn't get any medication between midnight at 6am so it may take us part of the day to get ahead of the pain). But overall he is happy and playing well.
Some people complain that they would never circu*mcise thier son because of the trauma...well this surgery is WAY more evasive and painful. But I don't think that it will have any long term damage to J psychologically. Not having the surgery would have negatively effected him as an adult male So we might as well get it done now, rather than as an adult or teenager.
We are on our way to our nation's capital next week. We are going to celebrate CO turing 4 with the family we have there as well as I have a cousin getting married on the weekend. I am SO looking forward to going. I have arranged for someone to paint my livingroom, kitchen & two bedrooms while we are away. The boy's bedroom is still pink (oops). The only that J just had surgery and he has a catheter in, which isn't to be removed until the middle of next week...solution...take it out myself :) the doctor showed me how.  CO's aunt is a nurse, so if I have any questions or reason to hesitate, I can get her help (we'll be staying with her while away).
Having J's surgery last minute this week, has thrown my packing off as well as my prep for CO's fourth birthday tomorrow and his party on Sunday.
He is having a campfire party! He invited some of the neighbours as well as a couple of boys he knows through storytime at the library. There are also a couple of kids coming from church and I have invited some friends with young kids. It should be a simple affair. I once again asked for NO gifts. This year we are collecting non-perishables for the foodbank.  I am glad I started from the begining to just have his birthday be a time of having friends over and playing rather than a focus of gifts. He gets presents from me, my parents and his other grandparents. That is enough in my world. Also I am actively trying to achieve the goal I set when I first became a mom and that is never to have more toys that my children can clean up all by themselves. I think it is also helping them to appreciate what they have and look after it. When one of CO's toys breaks, he cries (because he cares and treasures the few toys he does have).

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I suck

I am a terrible source of comfort in the middle of the night. I am tempted just to let him come into my bed but then he wants to be in my bed every night and it becomes a constant battle for weeks. CO is currently awake. He went pee, I got him a drink, I turned on a light, opened more windows, moved his fan to the window to cool his room down more, I even sat on his bed for a short time. Now I am tired and he doesn't want to stay in bed, is irrational because he is tired. I am wide awake, tired and grumpy so I start threatening a spanking if he doesn't Quit hollering and quiet down...
Any parenting tips or words of wisdom?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hebrews 13:17

Obey your leaders (because) they keep watch over you. Hebrews 13:17

That is our verse for the week. Actually it was our verse last week too but since we were at the beach last week, I figured it couldn't hurt to keep the same verse for a couple of weeks.

I love that my son LOVES to learn. He enjoys our 'school' time. His least favorite activity is his handwriting sheets but I have added them to his curriculum so I am not pushing them right now. If he chooses to do them...he will.

We don't actually follow a structure to our days right now. School just gets 'fit' into our days. With J sometimes needing a morning nap, we will fit school time in then, and other days we are busy running around or exploring outside that school happens as a down time before bed. I am sure once we progress in our homeschool adventures, we will have to add more stucture to it.

I am also going to join a bible study group on Tuesday mornings. I like that it not only is a time of fellowship and learning for me, but the children's program is more than just a time to be 'babysat'. There is also an educational program for the kids. Also I am wanting to put CO into Awana this year.  I am taking a year break from being a leader in Girl Guides as last year just didn't work with me shuffling the boys, dragging them along when I didn't have a sitter, etc. Guiding has changed a lot in the last couple of years and my heart is less into. I still LOVE being a leader and the program, I am just needing a break. We'll see what next year brings as CO will be old enough to be a 'Beaver' (mini-boyscout) and his program would be the same night as Girl Guides in our local town.

I am on the fence with the whole gymnastics thing. It would be good for him but I am not sure how many events away from home I want to schedule in our days each week. But it is also be good for him to do this as a 'big' thing on his own without J, but it is also a lot of $. I need to decide as I think I need to sign him up tomorrow night.

The doctors office called and have booked J's surgery for this Wednesday morning. So please pray at 8am for the surgeons as they preform the surgery as well as for my father who has agreed to watch CO for the pre-op appointment tomorrow afternoon and the morning of the surgery.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

a week at the beach

we returned from a week at the beach
we took the trailer
we traveled at night
the weather was supposed to be unpleasant
we were blessed with amazing days that got better the longer we stayed
we've decided to make it an annual tradition to camp there the first week of September

the boys loved the beach. We spent LOTS of our day there. The last day we arrived at the beach around 930 and didn't head up the hill to the trailer until around 3. It was a great location...the beach was a short walk, but we ended up driving the truck down as there was much 'stuff' carted along for digging and playing.

as we pulled out in the dark of night CO piped up that he wished he lived there so he could ALWAYS be at the beach :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

brothers and parks

these two LOVE the park
what kid doesn't?
our newest adventure...
dressing the same
CO refers to these as his farmer pants
he LOVES it when he can co-ordinate his outfit to match J's

I had to share this last photo of CO and his 'nockers'
they help him see better :)