Monday, December 27, 2010

some ramblings

Christmas is over. It was fairly low key this year. There is MORE I would have liked to get accomplished with CO but with travelling to Ottawa and then getting sick, I just wasn't able to do it all. I am ready to take the tree down (which I usually don't do until the new year). It is larger than I normally have so it is blocking a large section of my living room and it is dropping pine needles like crazy. My dear son whom I love SO much loves to sweep so I have pine needles spread further through my house than I normally would. The only thing really stopping me is I like to sit in the evening and read with the tree turned on. So I will wait one more week before taking it down and putting away the Christmas decorations. I will leave the winter ones up :)  Plus I am SO in the mood for spring cleaning and getting rid of things! Hopefully I still will be next week when we are back into our routine and with the new things on our schedule in the new year.
Most of my house decorations are more winter decorations than Christmas ones so I tend to leave them up until spring.
I am content with the little my son got for Christmas. It is SO easy to get sucked into the consumerism of Christmas. I was tempted to buy so much for him that I knew he would like but on the most part I said NO and if I did buy him things above and beyond his stocking and two gifts, I tended to just put them aside to bring out at a later date (some books, activities, etc.) I actually changed my mind Christmas eve and the present I was planning on Santa giving him I put away in my parent's basement and used one of the two presents I bought him (they were of the same set) to be from Santa. I am happy with this decision and may even donate the other gift to the playgroup that we attend on Thursdays or to our local EYC for their toy library. Overall he got PLENTY of gifts between family here and family in Ottawa. I have found homes for everything and next week I am going to go through his stuff and eliminate some old toys and downsize. My goal is for him to not own more than he can personally clean up himself.  Everything has a place and he is fairly good at putting things back. The only trouble is when he gets into modes like this week (He pretends he is Santa and he dumps a bunch of toys together into a bag or box walks around saying 'ho ho ho merry christmas' and giving the things away. The bags can be a fairly large mishmash and tend to take some work to resort. But hey how can I get upset that he is so willing to give away his own things.
CO loves to craft and read. In the new year I am going to start working on the kindergarten math curriculum that I have. The program uses lots of manipulates and is very hands on. We will add it to our week maybe doing 3 lessons a week and see how it goes. He very much enjoyed doing our weather chart that I introduced to him this month and understood it right away. We will keep it up and maybe in another month or so we will start doing the weekly chart rather than the daily chart. I also want to start a form of organized prayer with him. I don't know if I am going to do a small book with photos or a wall with photos of people that we are going to pray for daily. I wanted to do an outreach with him this holiday at a senior's place having him hand out candy canes or something but getting sick put a damper on that idea so maybe we can do it for Valentine's. I definitely want to expose him to being involved in the community from a young age so that it will seem like a norm to him. So often I see children these days who don't see beyond themselves or their little bubble and I want him to think about those in need. I try to have him select something at the grocery store every time we go that he puts into the food bank box on the way out the door. I have the photos of the foster children that I have through Compassion Canada and that I have looked after through respite up on the wall and we pray for those children.  I don't feel I pray enough in my own life so I want to work on adding prayer to both of our lives in the new year and make it a bigger focus. I want to model things like praying for my son. More than just saying grace. I remember being a teen and going to a prayer meeting with my father and thinking that that was the first time I remember him actually praying out loud for a purpose other than grace. I am not saying my dad isn't a praying man, I just don't remember him modeling it to us while growing up.

anyway Curious George Christmas special is over so I am going to take my little one up and read some stories and do some praying!

two books read in less than a week :)

I just finished reading Unlocked. by Karen Kingsbury
I find Karen's books to be a quick read but she does a great job with making you believe so much in her characters that I have a hard time putting them down and I often read them within 24 hours or 48 hours if my son isn't in much of a mood to let me read. I found myself crying through this book (which is common with her books, I am not sure I have ready any of her books that didn't make me cry) which I was regretting doing as I have been coughing for the last 5 days and having a bawl fest probably isn't the best for helping me to get over my cough. This book of hers was about an autistic individual which made me skeptical. Many times when I read fiction with characters with autism and the character isn't usually believable. Sometimes it feels that authors google autism and then their characters have ALL of the characteristics rather than just some of them. This character was done fairly well. Overall I would recommend this book as I would any of her books. She is probably one of my top 10 authors that I like to read.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


one of the benefits of being sick is curling up on the couch with a blanket and reading :) I finished this book this weekend at work during down time in the evening. I read this book in a couple of days. Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik

This book made me very much wish that I belonged to a book club! I enjoyed it quite a bit. It dealt with a lot of issues...marriage, parenting, adoption, abuse, adultery, race, homosexuality, etc.
I liked that all the ladies in the book club were SO different yet their love of reading bonded them together and enabled them to be great friends for many decades (their children bonded as well). Through the book club they were able to accept each other and their differences, be there for each other and celebrate life with each other.
Negative: there was too much talk about sex for my liking fortunately it wasn't too detailed. There was a lot of different issues (some listed above) and by the end it almost felt like too much for four families though I guess there was a large time span.

Anyone belong to a book club?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

the spirit of it all...

my kid cracks me aunt just walked through (if you know the layout of my house I live in a 4 bedroom house, 2 of the bedrooms are in the basement and are occupied by my aunt and sister, that is attached to a 2 bedroom house, that my parents live in, via a 'sunroom' which used to be a garage and was convereted into livingspace, the dog is the only one who really lives there...the kid plays there and we use the space when entertaining and need to set up a large table) the stairwell headed to my parents place (which is where she takes all her meals unless I cook a family dinner at my house) and CO heard her go by so he yelled 'dat u aunt duce?' 'I'm having a bath because I have a stinky bum!'.  He cracks me up! this is totally the words out of my mouth telling him last night that he needed a bath real soon because he is stinky :) my kid totally baths on command. We don't have a set bathnight or time. Basically he has a bath whenever he feels like it (sometimes a few a day) or when I want 5-30 minutes of peace (which usually ends up being closer to 5 when it is my idea)

last night my kid was crying because he wants presents. He is only 3 but it still annoys me that he is sobbing over something such as 'stuff'. I understand he was tired as well but it is hard to teach small children about not being selfish. It is also hard to teach them not to drink the bath water or to plug things into walls. Especially when they are stubborn, contrary, sneaky and fast.
We went out a couple of days ago and did some shopping for other people. He had a hard time in the begining of our thinking of things other people would like (that weren't things he wanted) but i the end did ok. We have those presents wrapped and under the tree (which is hard for a three year old to leave alone but he is doing fairly well. He wrapped one of his toys and has wrapped and unwrapped it a few times)

gotta go he is making puddles through the house for splashing

Monday, December 20, 2010

farewell to fa*cebook

I have said farewell to fa*cebook (for over a month now). The saddest thing about getting rid of it is that I will loose that connection with the small handful of old acquaintances that I enjoyed keeping up with. But this means that I need to work harder at keeping the lines of communication open in other ways. I'd like to go back to good old letter writing (I know I have said this in the past and failed)
One of the biggest reasons I left fa*cebook is that I was tired of caring so much. Caring if people would be my friend or not. Caring that people didn't send me birthday greetings. Caring if people wouldn't comment on my status.
Another of the reasons I left it is that I found it addicting. Even though I kept my friend numbers low, and didn't join groups, I found myself checking it multiple times a day. What a waste of time!
This fall I have found myself overwhelmed a lot.
Overwhelmed by the amount of unnecessary stuff in my house, the clutter and the lack of space to put things. When my aunt moved in I lost a lot of space to keep my things and I have yet to have all those things that were once in her room organized so I can function and use it. Which is sad as it was my crafting things. And I miss creating things.
Overwhelmed by loneliness. I have no close friends. I have nobody in my life right now that I feel that I can talk or to who is challenging me spiritually. I work weekends so I miss out on fellowship on Sundays. I was attending a moms and tots biblestudy group at my church but this fall they decided to cancel it as there was just four moms. I was extremely sad by this and I have yet to find another one. I have decided to put myself out in the community more so that I can meet other moms. CO and I head out to different things a few times a week (playgroups, story times, etc.) but it is hard.
I feel like when I moved here over 5 years ago I lost all my friends that I had. It was not just because I moved, but they married, moved away and have new friends. Friends that they are closer to and they have more in common with. I got tired of working so hard to keep some of my friends as I felt I had to beg them to spend time with them and I didn't really feel that I should have to beg and bribe my way to keep a friendship. I know friendship is about giving and taking but I felt I was doing the giving and receiving nothing back. I am not saying the loss of these friendships weren't my fault, I know I am far from perfect.
I just really miss having a friend. Someone to talk to. Someone to turn to when I am sad and in need of a hug. Someone who I know will celebrate with me and be sad with me as I live my life's journey.

Being a single mom has been hard. I really struggled in the beginning and I had many moments where I felt overwhelmed. There were lots of moments of joy and I love having CO in my life. But I struggled with getting frustrated easily and feelings of guilt when he acted out or didn't listen well. I struggled with feelings of guilt when he acted poorly while under my parents care on the weekends. I faced lots of self-doubt on my ability to be a good mom. I took it personally when people complained about something my child did or didn't do. And the more people complained, the more I questioned my abilities and skills to raise my son properly. Which in turn made me unhappy. I couldn't control all of my son's actions and it isn't easy raising a head strong very stubborn child. But I think I am doing a good job. Could I do better? well I believe there is always room for improvement.

so how do I learn to take critism better? how do I take negativity being sent my direction and not let it turn me into an unhappy person full of doubt?

(CO is asleep so I am going to run to the store while my mother keeps an ear out for him)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010


this week I am busy
making gift bags
decorating a cake for the church
making pizza from scratch
hosting a dinner party
celebrating my little one's birthday
cleaning the kitchen
doing laundry
making playdough
making chocolates
planning a simple birthday party
making a blueberry pound cake with an excavator
watching 19 kids and counting
visiting socialworkers
dreaming of a second child
cooking beef & brocolli on rice
reining in a three year old that has lost some of his listening skills over a busy summer
taking photos
reading LOTS of stories to my son
eating the last of the peaches
finishing sewing the birthday banner

well, that is some of the things that are keeping me busy this week...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

and the calm...

I am very happy that our crazy busy travels seem to be done. I have barely been home in the last couple of months and now I am looking forward to spending every night in my own bed. Not that this week is going to be uneventful. My baby is turning 3 this week...I have troubles believing it.  So I have decided to invite some of his friends over on Saturday to play and have cake. I don't want it to be a big hoopla of gifts and craziness. He really has no need for anything and I have been to other children's birthday parties in the last year and it makes me sad how 'stuff' crazy they can get. The kids just do a mad dive into the gifts and don't appreciate what they are getting or who it is from.
I am hoping I have not bit off more that I can chew for this gathering, but I want to make most of the things going in the loot bags (making it for Chase a time of giving more than receiving...and the delight in just spending time with family and friends) Just a couple of things. The guest list has ended up bigger than I had first envisioned but he will just be happy to have kids over so hopefully the weather will be nice and everyone just comes and has a couple of fun hours of play and some cake.
He wants an excavator on his birthday cake. Which is something I am looking forward to doing. Hopefully this week I get the chance to finalize the menu and make some cookies and other construction themed treats.

This past friday I was at Walmart with him picking up some birthday party things and work seems I was scheduled to come in at 3 rather than 11...oops...I really should have checked my day planner...but since I was at Sarah's all week and then came home Thursday evening because I remembered the computer guy was coming to find out why I couldn't connect to my wireless with my new laptop...I forgot all about checking for work schedule. I ended up making it to work, just a tad late, and I didn't get all the birthday prep stuff I was wanting. Hopefully I get a chance to get out  early this week to get some supplies.

I am also doing a cake for the church for sunday. They want the church on it. So I need to do that as well. 

this weekend at work.....TERRIBLE! It was awful. It was like the movie Groundhog day but in less than 2 minute incriments...I am so glad to be home in the calm...

Sunday, September 5, 2010


We returned from our almost two weeks in Ottawa this past Thursday. I have LOTS of photos that I will select through to share hopefully this week. We travelled down by train and had a lovely time. CO got to spend time with some of his cousins that he hasn't seen in over a year. It was great for them to see him again and to know that he is healthy and happy in his new home.
CO is at the trailer with my parents for the weekend while I am at work. I will be joining them this afternoon and then heading up north to visit my cousin for the rest of the week.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

week recap

Well my week went anything but planned...up until the last moment on Sunday I still wasn't sure what I was up to this week. I was contemplating going up to visit my cousin for a few days but due to a bunch of things, those plans were put on hold for a few weeks. Instead my SW called and asked if I'd do a respite for 30 hours this week with a 14 month old. I agreed. By this point I had already told K and CO that we'd go to the cottage. The SW was fine with me taking the baby with us, and I arranged with his fp to pick him up from there. So I went and picked up baby G from his visit with his mother at the cas office, I spent the morning packing to get us ready for the cottage and the plan was that as soon as CO woke up from his nap, we'd head out. Thankfully my aunt was around to help, as she held baby G while I loaded up the truck and packed up the food. CO was VERY excited and he was concerned that my aunt would keep holding the baby and forget to put him in the truck to go with us :) Overall, a great experience. I very much enjoyed my first respite. He was an easy child to look after (despite the list of food allergies he had and it took a bit to figure out his food). He really seemed to enjoy the freedom and peacefulness of the cottage. We spent lots of time at the park. CO played in the sand and baby G just tottled around laughing at this and that. Bedtime was a struggle as it is hard to put a 14 month old and a 35 month old to bed at the same time on two different floors. But in the end, they both were settled and in bed (an hour later than planned). I took LOTS of photos of the boys. They are still on my camera so hopefully I'll remember to come back and add them to this post at a later date. I am also going to try to get copies of the ones of just baby G for his bm. After baby G was picked up, CO and I spent some time foraging through the woods picking berries for Grandma. There is some debate as to the name of these berries. They are what I grew up calling thimbleberries,  but they didn't quite taste the same as the ones we pick up at my uncle's. We headed home on Thursday (after stopping for supper at K's request) and I really need to remember to make sure I get home either past CO's bedtime so he can be just slipped into bed, or early enough so he has lots of time to check out all the things around the house and get some playing in with Fred. The next door neighbour gave him a new (used) toy. He loved it so much that he took it into the bath with him, and had a hard time not taking it to bed with him. (I said no because it was wet and on the large side).
Friday was a day to spend some 1:1 time with CO (he was wired into crazy mode so not much quality time happened) and for packing as we leave early Monday morning to catch the train.
My weekend at work is going well. I just finished Take Four by Karen Kingsbury and I am extra tired from all the crying. At the cottage this week I finished Beluga Cafe. I found this book quite interesting. It is about 3 artists journey in Northern Canada that set out to play music with beluga whales. I would recommend them both.
Well, it is getting late, and I am at work and need to try to catch some sleep. I have LOTS to do tomorrow. After work I need to finish packing us three and the plan is to have everything loaded into the car so all we have to do is get up and get dressed in the am, pack the cooler and head to the trainstation. Feel free to pray for our journey. I am a little nervous about the 1.5 hours that we will have at the station in the city to change trains. I will have to transfer all the luggage (wasn't the option to check baggage) and at the same time not loose the toddler or my sister....
take care and goodnight!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010


My laptop is gone...well I still have it but I can't do squat all with it...which is kinda sad...but on a positive note...a new one is on the way and should be delivered next week. Crossing Fingers! As the following week we leave for our two week vacation!! We are getting on a train. CO is VERY excited that he is going on the train to visit Nana & Papa. He calls it Papa's train. I figure this will be the easiest way for us to travel there (we shall see if I still feel that way after we have experienced this adventure). My biggest worry is the fact that I am taking my sister along and that there isn't a way to check luggage. So we are restricted in the size of our luggage (considered to be carry on) and the fact that I have to look after it, CO & my sister when we have to wait at the train station for over an hour in the BIG city to switch trains. Here's to hoping a Train Employee with be of some help and find me a luggage cart.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I surprisingly had a good and peaceful weekend at work. A rare event. Usually I come home SO exhausted due to Sundays being stressful for one of the fellows. For some reason he was totally at peace in the future if you are looking for something to add to your prayer list on Sundays....add for me to have peaceful Sundays at was so nice to be able to come home and have energy to interact with my son. He on the other hand was his usual Sunday evening emotional wreck (I have decided it is his way of punishing me for abandoning him for the last 40hours). This evening we were able to spend a BIG chunk of time just reading, singing and praying together before I put him to bed.
He is really liking the books we borrowed from the library Chicka Chicka ABC, A Boy A Dog and a Frog, Titch, From Head to Toe and The Freight Train. I will read them to him and he will often chime in  as he remembers parts from when we read them on Friday. Also he has begun to read the story to me right after I read it to him. We have just started doing this and he does fairly well to remember the story.
I finished reading 'I Will Carry You' by Angie Smith....this book is definitely a book that requires you to have a box of kleenex close by.
My kitchen floor is sticky even though it has been washed twice already this evening. My lovely niece somehow dropped and shattered a large dish half full of sweet and sour rib sauce and a rib all over my kitchen. It was even on the ceiling and some of it went through the kitchen window and landed on the stairwell to the basement! I see much floor washing in my immediate will probably take a few more washes (maybe just one if I do it on my hands and knees with HOT HOT water)
Depending on the weather I may just take the kids to the park in the morning so they can run and play and be tired so I can get a LONG nap out of CO and maybe get some housework done. I still have troubles doing it when he is awake as he is constantly wanting his turn with the vacuum, mop, etc. Some days I just give him his own bucket of water and a rag so I can get some scrubbing done with my rag and bucket of cleaner.
My Uncle and Aunt are arriving tomorrow for a few days. They are bringing supper (which is great as nobody in my family seems to enjoy cooking on Mondays).
Once again it is late and I am heading off to bed...maybe I'll get a couple of pages read before I just fall asleep.

Saturday, July 31, 2010 update

my laptop is finally back up and running...which means I am back to the blogging world. I have been away for too long.
Update...well my house got rearranged in the fact that my sewing/craft room in the basement was emptied out to make room for my aunt to move in and so I have had to downsize my stuff and make it all fit into a little corner space in 1/3 of the basement sitting room. Also I moved my tv to the basement. I just found that it was sucking up too much of my life and CO was becoming so attached to it that he was having temper tantrums if I wouldn't let him watch it. In the basement it is out of sight and out of mind. He still does watch tv. But just mostly on weekends when he is being babysat by my parents. I do set the PVR to tape the occasional episode of Curious George for him to watch. But on the most part he is just under 3 years of age...he doesn't need to be watching tv. And in all seriousness...who does?  Since I moved the tv down, I have found more time for reading, etc. Which is great. Now I just need to find the energy to do some housework in the evenings. More often than not I am tempted to just curl up with a book after CO is asleep and then crawl into my bed.
This summer has been BUSY! I have my niece M on and off through the summer. I have taken hundreds of photos (that I have yet to edit as I lost photoshop when my laptop crashed...and have to wait until the end of August for my FIL to reload it for me)
Last weekend I worked my friday night and then I went home and loaded CO and my sister up and we headed to Orangeville for a China friends BBQ. It was great to see some old friends and to meet their new little ones. I also spent the next couple of days getting together with some old friends. Then we (now M too) packed up and headed to my friend's trailer where we spent less than 24 hours but FILLED our time with beaches, water slides, boating, fishing, etc. I am going to try to upload a video from my flip camera this week if I can. I took some video of the kids going down the water slides. After leaving the trailer, we headed to the cottage (which I am trying to spend much time at this summer as I have taken over my family's portion of the taxes and in all reality it is a GREAT place to spend time with. There is a pool, parks and space for CO to ride his bike around) We swam and swam and swam at the cottage. We also slept well at night! :) I like taking my sister up there as she is a little more social. At home she tends to just hang out in her bedroom listening to the radio.
Upcoming summer plans....well we still have our yearly visit to China Town, we are going to take the train to Ottawa for a couple of weeks at the end of August, my aunt & uncle are coming up and I am hoping to get them to join us for a couple of adventures (centreville, a zoo, etc.) the kind that are just too stretching to take a 16, 11 and almost 3 year old by myself.
I was going to start a vegetable garden this year but in all reality, I'd rather have the summer that we are having without having to be tied down to weeding and watering the garden. Maybe in a couple of years I'll plant a couple of vegetables with CO. I am even tempted to run over the flowerbed with the lawnmower. I attacked it at the beginning of the season but I should have mulched it as it is just crazy with weeds right now. My aunt may have a small heart attack when she sees it this week (she has a big green thumb. her yard at home is practically 99% flowerbeds)
I have been researching a lot these days about the different possibilities for CO's future education. I know he is only 2 (almost 3) but in all honesty I don't think public school is for us. I have found a bunch of book lists online that are for children his age and we have been LOVING spending lots of time just reading together. It is so nice to be able to read him short stories these days instead of just simple board books. He is loving stories like Mike Mulligan and From Head to Toe. I think it is great that I can read stories with repetitive lines that he is picking up and chiming in. I want him to grow up to love literature. I am also challenging myself to read more classics and biography type books that are based on people's adventures and challenges rather than fiction that are easy reads and not much of a challenge or learning experience.
In the Spring I read Not Without My Sister which was about three sisters that were raised in a cult. I found this book very fascinating, some parts disturbing, yet amazed that this happened in MY lifetime.  In July I finished Oliver Twist which I absolutely LOVED! I have never read it before and I love the musical based on the book.  Currently I am reading I Will Carry You which is by a lady whose blog I have been following on and off for the last couple of years and The Lake Erie Shore which I am not far into, but am hoping to get farther along soon. I am struggling to get past all his facts of millions of millennia, etc. as I am not one that believes that the world is that old. It isn't really something that is up for debate I just don't personally believe that the world is millions of years old. I have my 2010 book list in a book at home and am hoping to add to my list to this blog sometime this week. (I am currently at work).
This summer I also decided that I wanted to take up drawing. If I am going to homeschool one day I want to be able to at least know some of the basics when I teach CO art one day. I am quite impressed with my meager attempts thus far. I have probably spent TOO much time at this and I should head back to work (though everyone is asleep and not needing me so I should probably try to catch a couple of Z's myself)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Myrtle Beach

as soon as C saw the beach...he couldn't take his clothes off fast enough! He LOVED being there...running in and out of the water

this is at the little park across from the beach house

we are in Myrtle Beach...we left Thursday morning and drove down. We spent the Thurs night in a hotel and drove the rest of the way arriving Friday afternoon.

Since arriving I have got to experience lots .... including:

1. Target...I have heard lots about the wonders and deals of Target...I got some good deals...I didn't get lots of opportunity to check things out but I was impressed...

2. Piggly Wiggly...I find this to be an odd name for a grocery store. Deals are labeled as 'Pig Allerts' I am not sure if this is good or not :)

there are currently fireworks going off...which is odd to me...maybe for Mother's Day? speaking of little one gave me a rose and a card :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May update

The last few weeks of April were crazy busy! I was doing lots of running around trying to collect all the papwerwork I needed in order to get C a passport. The problem is that his adoption is 'just' finalized so I didn't have access to new paperwork or old paperwork...well to make a long story short...we headed to the passport office and picked up his passport this morning. Earlier I had signed us up to go on a field trip to a local dairy farm put on by the EYC here. I didn't think we'd be able to attend but since we made it to Kitchener and back in good time, we headed over. C had a great time. He really liked being that close to the cows (& the poop...he is such a boy and all about the poop)
I think I still slightly smell of cow farm (or the smell is stuck in my nose) but it was worth it.
Now I need to pack and finish getting ready as we leave first think in the morning for Myrtle Beach...very exciting!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

another sporadic post...

I know I am a very inconsistent blogger. But hey. I am not even sure anyone is out there. So this past Friday I was able to pick up the Adoption Order. I never knew a paper could make me cry. Especially the part that said that the child will now be known as C.... O.... S... A.... M... (initials...I know that that is a long name...but I love it!) Anyway, there was a communication glitch between me and the guaranteur so I wan't able to actually go to the passport office until Monday.
I went. No passport. But they require a couple of papers/letters and I have been working on all the paperwork that the letter writers require. Hopefully I can get these two letters by Thursday so I can head to the passport office on Friday.
Sunday...I went to the Adoption Resource Exchange Conference in Toronto. I was only planning on checking things out and seeing what it was all about. I ended up putting my name down for 3 kids. Putting my name down just puts me in a pot of possible families. The chances of me getting selected are SLIM to none! There were a lot of families there. And the kids I choose were very close in age to C and the chances of me getting another young and healthy child at this point I don't think are that great. BUT God is a miraclemaker...and if any of these children are meant to call me mom...He will make it possible. The only hard thing is that I dream of these children. I can totally visualize them (one in particular) living here and running and playing with my son.
Only time will tell. I will be happy regardless who happens to be the parents of these children. There are lots of children and they all just need a family to love them forever.
It is late...I need to head to bed...well I am in bed but I need to get to sleep...tomorrow is another busy day!

Monday, April 19, 2010

busy busy

well things have been busy here to say the least. Last week the Pathfinders had a sleepover/campout in the back yard, C got a new play area (had to be dug out and then 10 tonnes of pea gravel was dumped into it)
and I have been making millions of phone calls trying to get all the paperwork I need to get C a passport so we can go with his Grandparents to South Carolina at the begining of May. (this is not a smooth process and I am hitting lots of speed bumps so please pray about this)
I went to Orangeville to visit a friend for the day. It was a great day. Low Key and perfect. C had lots of fun and was asleep within 5 minutes of driving away :)
I am busy trying to get my flowerbed edged and weeded so it can be mulched. Next plan is to make 2 raised vegetable beds. I am also hoping to get a post digger and make a fenced area around the back of the barn so I can look at getting some chickens and stuff.
C is not adjusting the best to me going back to work. I am dealing with lots of extra behaviour issues sunday evenings and mondays. He also usually doesn't sleep well my first night back.
I think he is on his 5th time out this am and it is only 10am.
that is just some of what is going on. I hope I will get a minute or two to add more info soon...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

once upon a dream....

I love waking in the morning after having a lovely dream! Especially when I dream of being loved.

People ask me about 'finding a husband' quiet often in my life. And the funny thing is that I don't dream of a big white wedding, I don't spend my waking moments on the 'hunt' for a husband. I am not actively looking for a husband....why? because I gave that over to God a long time ago.

Do I want a husband? yes
Will I be happy if I am single the rest of my life? I will aim to be

but I am assuming that IF there is a guy for me out there, I will be open and receptive to what God`s plan is for our life and that in HIS time things will happen if that is a plan he has for me

Would it be nice to have a dad for Chase...definitely! I see him watch dads and their kids...and I know he is going to want that in his life too....but at the same time....I am not going to set us up for heartbreak by taking the whole `finding a man`into my own hands and enter into relationships that are not what God has in store for us.
I have dated in the past....and that has just made me learn that I need to follow God's plan as the heartache and regret of giving part of my heart to someone who wasn't supposed to get it is with me

IF I ever have a husband I want him to
1. love God first
2. love me (& now my son)
3. work hard
4. understand 'family' including an extended one

that is it...I don't care if he is handsome (as he will be to me inside and out) or looks like a movie star...I do care if he has a good heart. Does he need to be perfect? NOPE because I most definitely am not and I wouldn't expect him to be either

I always thought I needed to have a husband before I could be a mom. Single parenting is HARD! and single parenting a child like my son is no easy task. But if I had waited for a husband before choosing to obeying God telling me in my heart to foster....I would not have my son. (and I made this error for a few years)
Do I love being a mom...yes...though if you notice it is 5am and I am blogging...mostly because I have been up for over an hour dealing with my son and the restless sleep that he is having tonight. That was a big adjustment. Being sleep deprived and not allowing that to justify grumpiness. I thought I was over the whole lack of sleep thing....but it is even harder now that I am back to work. I come home from working my 40 hours over 3 days and before I was a mom, I'd crash on the couch in I can't do that as I come home to a freshly rested toddler!

but back to my original focus of this rambling
Once upon a dream....
In my dreams I have a prince charming that loves me.
I have a husband
and yes he has a face and a name and he is based on someone that I know in real life. His face changes over the years. It has been the same person for awhile I expect that I will marry this person...nope...he is from my past and is actually going to be married to someone else. But that is alright...cause in my dreams I am loved

and I am happy with that :)


does this blog make sense....I don't care...cause I am actually going to try to catch some more sleep now...


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

to blog or not to blog...

that is the question. I have changed my feelings about this many times over the years. Origionally I blogged to keep in contact with a specific group of girls that I was close to...but after many years....we aren't really in contact anymore.
I have also switched my blog name many go with how I was feeling, and what my vague goals were in blogging.
I have not blogged much recently. I was torn as I am not supposed to post photos of my son (who is yet to be 100% legally mine) which I was doing, so in order to be honest with my social workers and let my conscience be my guide (the whole Biblical law of obeying the laws of the land), I quit adding photos...
Also the last blog I had was called McGee, C & me....which is now nolonger relevant as McGee died this past fall.
So I will go back to just trying to be honest out there with anyone who cares to read. I am going to try to stop caring what others think. And stop fretting over the fact that those who I once considered to be my friends barely acknowledge my existence...who needs them?

me...I am still under construction...
I am working on being a better child of God
I am being a good mom (I need to be more patient and not raise my voice) who is working on teaching and guiding my little one to grow up to be a warrior for Christ

When I first contacted CAS to become a foster parent, I felt it was something that God was laying on my heart. I put it off for many years as I just didn't see how I could do it as a single mom (Silly me...forgot that with Christ ALL things are possible) so I was kind of half ass waiting for a man to come along so we could follow this path God was putting me on together.
Well over a year ago, I decided to just walk by faith and so I did...and as I was completing my paperwork, I asked my social worker to make my file ready for 'whatever' may come my way. I didn't want to come across a child that was supposed to be in my family 'now' but couldn't because I had to go back for extra training or meetings to qualify for them. And it is a good thing that I did because then I would never have gotten my little CO.

He is my busy little one
he gets into EVERYTHING
but at the same time he has the best laugh
a great sense of humor
runs like a weirdo
loves to dress up
and loves all things construction
and I am his 'mom' what?? I asked for my status with the CAS to stay open. I said I was willing to do relief work (for a child under 5)...but due to legal issues they couldn't use me as a resource because of CO's status not yet being complete and so I was considered to be a resource for his CAS rather than my own. I am still willing to do that....but it isn't likely to happen anyday soon as I am waiting for the court system to dot the i's and cross the t's to make things legal.

but in my heart....I am still waiting for my little girl....where she is....I do not know....but she is out there somewhere. In the meantime I spend it looking over photolistings online, and signing up to attend adoption exchanges.
so...what next? Sperm bank? Another CAS child? Embryo adoption? USA adoption?

I would love to hear your opinions on it all!!

but right now...I has been a long and busy day...and tomorrow will be another one as it is Moms and Tots Biblestudy and I am in charge of refreshments (which I have yet to bake) and I keep nodding off while typing eyes are very heavy after all the yardwork I did today...night!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I am tired...oh so tired. And I imagine as my week progresses I will be even more tired. Because

1. my kid is sick. He has a cold. Which I know is something that all kids get. Mine when he is sick....he moans and groans all night. I've tried drugs. He just wakes up when they wear off and declares it to be morning....

2. I was in 8 hour training yesterday to learn the new computer program. It is exhausting sitting in front of a computer

3. I have a bad habit of staying up late. I have a pvr and I use it. But I usually stay up late to watch the shows rather than saving them for a new day. I've cut back a lot of my lists of shows I pvr...but yet...Tuesday nights...there are a lot still. Lost, NCIS, NCIS Los Angeles, Parenthood, 19 Kids and Counting....I know still absolutely crazy! I am still totally thinking I need to toss the stupid tv out the door and live my life without it. I would get more stuff done that is for sure.

4. I came off my weekend shift sleep deprived and didn't nap Monday as I had a HUGE amount of planning to do for Guides that night

5. My kid has been up since 430. (Actually I think that it was earlier but I want to be in denial)

so....I need COFFEE!

Monday, March 1, 2010

thrive not just survive

My goal this year is to thrive and not just survive. To not just have my days all blend in together but to accomplish things daily and set small goals.
One of the goals I have is to put meaning behind the time I spend with Chase. To have his days not just be unorganized play and a heap load of mischief. Because my boy is BUSY and if you turn your back for just a moment, he has done something he knows he is not supposed to or he has done something that he isn't to do again. For instance yesterday he was in the bathroom for 20 seconds (I had no clue his little step stool was in there and thought he was using the toilet) and in that time he opened a little bottle of scope and dumped it into the fish bowl.
I found somewhere online people doing 'toddler trays' So I invested in a few small bins with lids. I have 5 and in them I put different activities in there to work on motor skills (my kid is a gross motor kid so I want him to practice having small times where he focuses on tasks sitting down). Some activities don't spark his interst, others he will sit at for a long time. Some days one that he loved, he doens't so much the next day. It is a total hit and miss day to day thing. Last night after he went to bed, I changed the bins.
1. a grocery store flyer and a pair of kid scissors (he is working on cutting skills and we also talk about the different pictures while he cuts)
2. three markers, a papertowel, paintbrush and a cup (for water). this one he colours the papertowel and then when he is all done he paints it with water
3. pom poms, pickle tweezers and an icecube tray. He practices picking up the pom poms with the tweezers and putting them in the different sections of the tray. One day we'll work on sorting them by colour but he isn't quite ready for that yet. But we do work on counting and I talk about the colours of them.
4. shoe string and cheerios (to make a necklace)
5. stickers and a piece of paper

I think this will help me to see if 'homeschooling' is for me or not. I know he is young yet for formal learning but setting up and changing these bins and planning ahead will help me see if I will be able to stick with this long term or not...I'd really like to as I feel it is my job as a parent to educate my kid. Not just to learn to read and write but to love to learn, but to love God in all things, to give back to the community and respect those in authority over him.
So far this morning (it is only 840) he is on his third bin. He wasn't TOO interested in the painting the papertowel after colouring it with marker, but he is having lots of fun with the pom poms. The problem is he is the kind of kid that wants to do all the bins 'now'. he is a 'now' kid for sure. So he will switch bins after only a couple of minutes so he can try explore another one. Good thing he knows he has to clean up one bin before starting another one (teaching him to clean up after himself).

We also throw in colouring, playdough, stories, puzzles and baking into our days. And then I also try to have him be outside atleast 1 hour/ day and we try to get to the pool once or twice a week. And I am trying to not have tv daily (I have been failing more with this with the winter weather) but I am controlling 'what' he watches. So far the only programs he watches are 'Thomas', 'Tractor Tom', 'Curious George', 'Sesame Street' and 'Bearentain Bears'. Which is
a lot considering that he is only 2 1/2 but I try to not just turn on Tree House (mostly because 99% of those shows I consider to be more annoying than educational). I am totally considering becoming tv free or just moving it to the basement for me to have on some evenings after he is bed or while I am working on my crafts downstairs.

I collect up all his art projects and mail them off to his grandparents :). Some I take photos of first as my way of keeping a memory.

My to do list is a mile long today and it is already almost 9am and there is only one thing crossed off my list, but I have given 5 time-outs (me going back to work has made Mondays tough) made breakfast, cleaned up, read a book, dealt with one accident and made a snack.

I think today is a coffee day!

Monday, February 1, 2010

some ramblings

I just took a batch of 'Good Morning Muffins' out of the oven. They should be called 'Good Morning and a bit of this and that out of my cupboards Muffins' which is funny because I don't really think you can mess up muffins that much. Next I am going to make some muffins with some of the frozen bananas I have and maybe some of those prunes and dates that I have soaking. I was thinking of throwing in some almond butter in them too. I have yet to come across a banana bread recipe that I LOVE so I am determined to make I have almost a dozen bananas in my freezer :)

C loves helping to make things in the kitchen. He was a BIG help with the muffins. I think his favorite job is using the food processer to shred the carrots and apples. Second favorite other than eating is dumping the ingredients (dry). He would LOVE the job of cracking eggs but I am just NOT ready to give up that job yet.

I am needing some power snacks for C. We have begun swimming for an hour a few mornings a week and he is STARVING by the time he gets out. So I figured I need to pack snacks that are healthy and hit the spot quickly. I had thought of investing in some granola bars but then I figured that muffins are MUCH easier, cheaper & healthier.

The first time we went swimming I barely made it out the door and into the truck with him as he was SO hungry. I ended up going through a drive-thru and he polished off a hamburger and fries in less than 10 minutes. Not something I can afford or really desire to get into the habit of.

if you want my good morning muffin recipe I'll post it on my recipe site (which I created so I can access some of my favorite recipes when I am away from home...)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


ever feel like you are drowning in paper...mail that comes in, reciepts, children's artwork, work etc. For me I get to add ALL the paperwork that comes along with being a leader of two Guiding units, CAS paperwork, etc...

Once upon a time I used to be SO on top of all this paper. I had all the records logged onto the computer. I used to have all my receipts stapled onto my bank statements & credit card statements....

That seems like a lifetime ago.


I have piles

and when I need the space where the piles are for something else, the piles get shoved in a box and put into my room....

And a few times a year I just go through all the piles with a paper shredder and go to town...I think I am due for one of those moments :) I think I have 3 boxes now...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

why things get lost and misplaced around here...

he loves to randomly pick up things and hide them somewhere :)

one month...

in one month I am back to work... my less than 9 months of mat leave will be all done

I look to this with mixed feelings.
I have enjoyed these past few months of being a mom
some days more than others :) (yesterday not so much)

fortunately I have been blessed...with my job I work 40 hours in three days...
I know it sounds like a lot but then I get to spend the other 4 days with my son
and actually it is more like 5 since on Fridays I don't go to work until he is already in bed for the night

and so I will be gone all of Saturday and I will be getting home just as he is waking from his afternoon nap on Sunday parents have voluntered to watch him. If they are feeling they need help, I will hire someone for part or all of Saturday


I have agreed to respite for the children's aid Mon-Fri with a child under 5 as they need. So that will be ok as there will be someone else for C to play with. We'll see how well I keep on top of things as to if it all works out

right now I am not always good at staying on top of housework...or the paperwork for my two guiding units

but I do snuggle and read stories, colour, build towers with blocks, sing songs, etc.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

hiding the word in his heart...

we are commanded to hide God's word in our hearts...

so this morning when C and I were doing our devotions over breakfast I thought that I would try with him 'Trust in God'

me 'Trust in God'
him 'yeah'
me 'trust'
him 'tus'
me 'in'
him 'in there'
me 'in'
him 'in there'
me 'in God'
him 'yeah'
me 'say in God'
him 'in od'

he finally got the whole thing which makes my heart happy

I'll keep getting him to say it throughout the day and probably the next few days...I'll probably only introduce a new verse weekly...

the adoption worker is coming today...month 5 visit!!!! yippeee!!!!

so I should probably get dressed out of my jammies...

Friday, January 1, 2010

List of Books Read in 2009

  1. Elsie's Girlhood by Martha Finley
  2. Elsie's Holidays at Roselands by Martha Finley
  3. Elsie Dinsmore ~ Martha Finley
  4. Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola
  5. Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury
  6. The Face by Angela Hunt
  7. Faith Like Potatoes by Angus Buchan
  8. Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss
  9. She's in a Better Place by Angela Hunt
  10. blink by Ted Dekker
  11. A Time to Mend by Angela Hunt
  12. The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks
  13. Above All Things by Deborah Raney
  14. Above the Line Take Two by Karen Kinsbury
  15. The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
  16. The Silver Compass by Holly Kennedy
  17. Rachel's Secret by BJ Hoff
  18. Second Draft of My Life
  19. The Duchess and the Dragon by Jamie Carie
  20. Above the Line Take One by Karen Kingsbury
  21. Wizard of Oz
  22. Me & Emma by Elizabeth Flock
  23. Owls in the Family by Farley Mowat
  24. My Sister's Keeper
  25. Doesn't She Look Natural by Angela Hunt
  26. Mary Poppins by PL Travers
  27. This Side of Heaven by Karen Kingsbury
  28. Mary Janeway
  29. Every Now & Then by Karen Kingsbury
  30. Attic Treasures