Sunday, January 1, 2012

A clean slate...

(let me start by saying Happy Birthday to Aunt Rena & Karla)

The first day of a new year...a year full of adventures...a year full of opportunities to be an instrument of God...a year full of blessings...

This year I definitely have a few goals.
I am wanting to dive deeper in my relationship with God, I want this year to be one full of prayer, time in God's word and in fasting.
I am wanting to be a better steward over what I feed my children and what they are exposed to environmentally.  The more I mother CO, the more I realise how much 'food' can effect who he is and becomes. He seems to have negative reactions to some foods.
I want to be purposefully less focused on the 'world' and what it offers. I want to declutter my house, and show my children that 'stuff' isn't the source of happiness. And in this process be a good steward with money. To be debt free, and saving purposefully for the future.
I want to live my days with purpose. I don't want to crawl into bed at night having 'survived' the day as a single mother of two but rather having 'thrived' each and every day.
I want to put more of myself out there in my relationships. I want to be a 'giver'. I want to be less selfish.

I have also set some personal challenges for myself. In terms of heath, finances & spirituality. Please pray.

I am sure there are more, but I need to finish packing. We are heading up North for most of the week to visit with family. Please pray for travelling mercies. The weather is predicting some not so nice travelling conditions. Please pray for our time there. I worry about CO and how some parts of his character can turn his relationships sour very quickly without him intending to. I have added some supplements to his diet to see if this helps with his impulsiveness and moods. Please feel free to pray. Only God can truly heal CO from his history.

So not

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