Tuesday, October 23, 2012

what makes you feel loved...

That was the question that was asked in my study today. She suggested we ask the significant others in our lives what makes them feel loved. Me, I decided to ask you!


  1. I most feel loved when someone else does my chore for me without asking. That may sounds crazy, but its true. If Shaun empties the dishwasher/scoops the cat box when I thought I had to do it, its such a gift! Such a simple things but it means a lot.
    Also, when people send me cards or emails out of the blue, or even a message on FB that says they were thinking of me.
    When my kids spontaneously and unprovoked give me hugs or tell me something I did for them was appreciated without me prompting. Willy's random "love you mommy"'s just melt my heart.
    This one probably sounds odd too - but when people actually come to me to say hello when I'm at the school for drop off or pick up. I mostly still need to run around after Willy, while most other parents get to make little chatty groups because their kids are older. I try to say hello to people as I'm passing by, but I rarely get to stop and chat. When a friend makes the effort to come to me to say hello, and hang out with me while I chase my son - it means a lot.
    So, in summery, its the little things. :)

  2. Surprised no one else commented.

    What is your answer, Amy? :)

  3. getting a hug

    hearing 'I love you' from my kids

    when a friend initiates contact with me...I find so often that I only hear from someone if I make the first call

    getting a dinner invite from my mom...especially after my 40 work weekend
